Musical Instrument

About the instrument

The instrument me and Cory made is controlled by 7 switches. Each of these switches will be playing different note in the scale; A to G. The range of the frequencies of the notes will be from 440 hertz (A) to 784 hertz (G). The note will be played when the switches are pressed and when the switches are released the note will stop playing.

Code for the arduino

image from
Center for Young Musicians
/* Instrument
Cory Byrne & Jaeho Jang

  int buttonA = 2; //button A connected to port 2
  int buttonB = 3; //button B connected to port 3
  int buttonC = 4; //button C connected to port 4
  int buttonD = 5; //button D connected to port 5
  int buttonE = 6; //button E connected to port 6
  int buttonF = 7; //button F connected to port 7
  int buttonG = 8; //button G connected to port 8

void setup() { //code for seting up each button
pinMode (buttonA, OUTPUT);
pinMode (buttonB, OUTPUT);
pinMode (buttonC, OUTPUT);
pinMode (buttonD, OUTPUT);
pinMode (buttonE, OUTPUT);
pinMode (buttonF, OUTPUT);
pinMode (buttonG, OUTPUT);

void loop() { //code for reading if any button is pressed
  if (digitalRead(buttonA)==HIGH) { //if button A is pressed play note A
    a ();
  if (digitalRead(buttonB)==HIGH) { //if button B is pressed play note B
    b ();
  if (digitalRead(buttonC)==HIGH) { //if button C is pressed play note C
    c ();
  if (digitalRead(buttonD)==HIGH) { //if button D is pressed play note D
    d ();
  if (digitalRead(buttonE)==HIGH) { //if button E is pressed play note E
    e ();
  if (digitalRead(buttonF)==HIGH) { //if button F is pressed play note F
    f ();
  if (digitalRead(buttonG)==HIGH) { //if button G is pressed play note G
    g ();
void a () { //code for playing 'A' note
  // play the tone using pin 13 with frequency 440 Hz for 500 ms = 0.3 seconds
  tone(13, 440, 30);
void b () { //code for playing 'B' note
  // play the tone using pin 13 with frequency 494 Hz for 500 ms = 0.3 seconds
  tone(13, 494, 30);
void c () { //code for playing 'C' note
  // play the tone using pin 13 with frequency 523 Hz for 500 ms = 0.3 seconds
  tone(13, 523, 30);
void d () { //code for playing 'D' note
  // play the tone using pin 13 with frequency 587 Hz for 500 ms = 0.3 seconds
  tone(13, 587, 30);
void e () { //code for playing 'E' note
  // play the tone using pin 13 with frequency 659 Hz for 500 ms = 0.3 seconds
  tone(13, 659, 30);
void f () { //code for playing 'F' note
  // play the tone using pin 13 with frequency 698 Hz for 500 ms = 0.3 seconds
  tone(13, 698, 30);
void g () { //code for playing 'G' note
  // play the tone using pin 13 with frequency 784 Hz for 500 ms = 0.3 seconds
  tone(13, 784, 30);

Diagram of the circuit

Here is the diagram for the instrument